This page is a compilation of government-wide system of records notices (SORNs), listed by the agency with government-wide responsibility for the system of records.
A government-wide system of records is a system of records where one agency has regulatory authority over records in the custody of multiple agencies, and the agency with regulatory authority publishes a SORN that applies to all of the records regardless of their custodial location. The application of a government-wide SORN ensures that privacy practices with respect to the records are carried out uniformly across the Federal Government in accordance with the rules of the responsible agency. For a government-wide system of records, all agencies – not just the agency with government-wide responsibilities – are responsible for complying with the terms of the SORN and the applicable requirements in the Privacy Act, including the access and amendment provisions that apply to records under an agency’s control.
This list of SORNs is provided for informational purposes only and may not include every government-wide SORN. Visitors to this website should not rely upon any information provided on this website for the purpose of making decisions related to agency practices and policies.
To search across all Government SORNs, access the external Federal Register Search Tool . The external search tool can be navigated using the provided reader aide .
If you identify any potential errors in the list of government-wide SORNs or believe we have overlooked a SORN, please reach out to us at privacycouncil@gsa.gov.
Department of Labor
April 29, 2016, 81 FR 25776
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Individuals and/or their survivors who file claims seeking benefits under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) by reason of injuries sustained while in the performance of duty. FECA applies to all civilian Federal employees, including various classes of persons who provide or have provided personal service to the Government of the United States, and to other persons as defined by law such as State or local law enforcement officers, and their survivors, who were injured or killed while assisting in the enforcement of Federal law. In addition, FECA covers employees of the Civil Air Patrol, Peace Corps Volunteers, Job Corps students, Volunteers in Service to America, members of the National Teacher Corps, certain student employees, members of the Reserve Officers Training Corps, certain former prisoners of war, and employees of particular commissions and other agencies.
The FECA establishes the system for processing and adjudicating claims that Federal employees and other covered individuals file with the Department’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) seeking monetary, medical and similar benefits for injuries or deaths sustained while in the performance of duty. The records maintained in this system are created as a result of and are necessary to this process. The records provide information and verification about the individual’s employment related injury and the resulting disabilities and/or impairments, if any, on which decisions awarding or denying benefits provided under the FECA must be based. -
Monday, April 8, 2002, 67 FR 16816
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Job Corps applicants, students, and terminees.
These records are maintained to ensure that all appropriate documents of the student’s stay in Job Corps (covering application to placement and/or termination) are retained and are available to those officials who have a legitimate need for the information in performing their duties and to serve the interests and needs of the students in accordance with 29 U.S.C. § 2881 et seq.
Environmental Protection Agency
October 1, 2001, 66 FR 49947
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Categories of individuals covered by the system: Federal employees routinely permitted to park in facilities controlled by the federal government
To demonstrate that federal employees parking in federally controlled facilities comply with local emission control requirements.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
July 30, 2002, 67 FR 49338; Modified November 17, 2016, 81 FR 81116
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Persons other than federal employees and applicants who file charges or complaints with EEOC alleging that an employer, employment agency or labor organization has violated the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 or the Equal Pay Act of 1963, or who file complaints under section 321 of the Government Employees Rights Act of 1991.
These records are maintained for the purpose of counseling, investigating and adjudicating complaints of employment discrimination brought by applicants and current and former federal employees against federal employers.
Federal Emergency Management Administration
November 21, 2013, 78 FR 69861
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Categories of individuals include applicants for and members of the National Defense Executive Reserve assignments.
The purpose of this system is to collect and preserve records regarding applicants for and members of the National Defense Executive Reserve. The collection and maintenance of this information will assist the Federal Government in coordinating and administering the National Defense Executive Reserve.
General Services Administration
February 10, 1983, 48 FR 6176
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Former Federal employees involuntarily separated from Government employment as a result of a commercial activity contract.
The purpose of the system is to provide Government agencies with necessary information on former Federal employees hired by contractors to ensure the proper distributions of severance pay by the Government. -
April 3, 2013, 78 FR 20108
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Individuals covered by the system are current Federal employees who apply for and/or use Government-assigned travel charge cards and all other Federal employees and authorized individuals who use a Federal account number for travel purposes.
To assemble in one system information to provide government agencies with: (1) Information on Federal employees, contractors, and other individuals who apply for and/or use Government-assigned travel charge cards, including the requirement for banks to collect certain information in compliance with the OFAC regulations; (2) Necessary information on the commercial travel and transportation payment and expense control system, which provides travelers charge cards and the agency an account number for official travel and related travel expenses on a worldwide basis; (3) attendant operational and control support; and (4) management information reports for expense control purposes. -
Modified June 12, 2009, 74 FR 28048
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Individuals covered by the system are Federal employees authorized to perform official travel and individuals being provided travel by the Federal Government.
To establish a comprehensive beginning-to-end travel services system containing information to enable travel service providers under contract to the Federal Government to authorize, issue, and account for travel and travel reimbursements provided to individuals on official Federal Government business. -
April 25, 2008, 73 FR 22376
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Individuals covered by the system are Federal employees, contractors, and other individuals who apply for and/or use Government-assigned purchase charge cards.
To establish and maintain a system for operating, controlling, and managing a purchase charge card program involving commercial purchases by authorized Federal Government employees and contractors. -
October 23, 2015, 80 FR 64416
Categories of individuals covered by the system
The Personal Identity Verification Identity Management System (PIV IDMS) records will cover all participating agency employees, contractors and their employees, consultants, and volunteers who require routine, long-term access to federal facilities, information technology systems, and networks. The system also includes individuals authorized to perform or use services provided in agency facilities (e.g., Credit Union, Fitness Center, etc.). At their discretion, participating Federal agencies may include short-term employees and contractors in the PIV program and, therefore, inclusion in the PIV IDMS. Federal agencies shall make risk-based decisions to determine whether to issue PIV cards and require prerequisite background checks for short-term employees and contractors. The system does not apply to occasional visitors or short-term guests. GSA and participating agencies will issue temporary identification and credentials for this purpose.
The primary purposes of the system are: To ensure the safety and security of Federal facilities, systems, or information, and of facility occupants and users; to provide for interoperability and trust in allowing physical access to individuals entering Federal facilities; and to allow logical access to Federal information systems, networks, and resources on a government-wide basis. -
February 19, 2013, 78 FR 11648
Categories of individuals covered by the system
SAM currently has two functional areas which cover individuals. In the Entity Management functional area, SAM covers individuals who are sole proprietors and register to do business with the Government as sole proprietors. For purposes of this system of records notice, individuals with records in the Entity Management functional area will be referred to as ‘‘entity’’ or ‘‘entities’’. In the exclusion portion of the Performance Information functional area, SAM covers individuals who are excluded or disqualified under certain circumstances, including but not limited to the following: A Federal agency’s action under the Common Rules on Non-procurement suspension and debarment, or otherwise declared ineligible from receiving certain Federal assistance and/or benefits; individuals debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or otherwise declared ineligible from participating in Federal procurement programs; individuals barred or suspended from acting as sureties for bid and performance bond activity in procurement programs; individuals barred from entering the United States; and individuals that may be subject to sanctions pursuant to 31 CFR Parts 500–599 and subparts thereunder.
The System for Award Management (SAM) consolidates functions that were previously handled by the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) system, Excluded Parties List System (EPLS), and Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA). SAM provides the capability to manage information about entities wishing to do business with the Federal Government, and maintain information about those entities to ensure that entities seeking to do business with the Federal Government have not been debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from doing business. SAM maintains this Governmentwide system of records to enable Federal agencies to determine who is registered to do business with the Federal Government, and to identify individuals who have been excluded from participating in Federal procurement and non-procurement (financial or non-financial assistance and benefits programs), throughout the Federal Government. In some instances a record may demonstrate that an exclusion applies only to the agency taking the action, and therefore does not have Governmentwide effect. The purpose of these exclusions is to protect the Government from non-responsible contractors and individuals, ensure proper management throughout the Federal government, and protect the integrity of Federal activities. -
March 2, 2017, 82 FR 12352
Categories of individuals covered by the system
The FAR Data Collection System contains records related to prime contractors who are performing on federal contract awards (“prime contractor”), subcontractors, their employees (“prime or subcontractor employees”) and employed by the Federal Government. An owner, agent, or employee of a prime or subcontractor may enter or certify information, as applicable.
The system facilitates collection of data that prime contractors and their subcontractors are required to submit. Each agency is responsible for the collection, use and review of data pertaining to its contracts to verify contractor compliance with applicable requirements. The system includes an online portal that allows prime or subcontractors to enter, review and as applicable, certify FAR-required reports. While logged in, a prime or subcontractor is able to enter data and review reports. After a required report has been entered by the prime contractor or a subcontractor on a contract, the prime contractor certifies that the report is correct and submits it to the contracting officer. Contracting officers and other authorized officials in the awarding agency use the data from the system to review submissions for compliance with contractual terms and conditions for contracts for which they are responsible.
Merit Systems Protection Board
October 25, 2012, 77 FR 65206
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Current and former Federal employees, applicants for employment, annuitants, and other individuals who have filed appeals with the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) or its predecessor agency, or with respect to whom the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) or another Federal agency has petitioned MSPB concerning any matter over which MSPB has jurisdiction.
Current and former employees of State and local governments who have been investigated by OSC and have had an appeal before MSPB concerning possible violation of the Hatch Act.
Document and adjudicate appeals and other matters arising under the Board’s appellate and original jurisdiction; Locate appeal documents and files, whether physical or electronic; Provide statistical data for reports, staff productivity, and other management functions; and Provide information to support other statutory functions of the Board, such as studies of the civil service under 5 U.S.C. § 1204(a)(3), review of regulations of the Office of Personnel Management under 5 U.S.C. § 1204(f), and reporting under 5 U.S.C. 1206.
Office of Government Ethics
September 9, 2019, 84 FR 47303
Categories of individuals covered by the system
This system contains records on the President, Vice President, and candidates for those offices; officers and employees including special Government employees, whose positions are classified above GS–15 of the General Schedule or at an equivalent rate of basic pay equal to or greater than 120% of the minimum rate of basic pay for GS–15; officers or employees in a position determined by the Director of the Office of Government Ethics to be of equal classification to GS–15 or above; Administrative Law Judges; excepted service employees in positions that are of a confidential or policymaking nature unless an employee or group of employees are exempted by the Director of the Office of Government Ethics; members of a uniformed service whose pay grade is at or in excess of O–7 under section 201 of title 37, United States Code; the Postmaster General, the Deputy Postmaster General, Governor of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Postal Service and each officer or employee of the U.S. Postal Service or Postal Rate Commission whose basic rate of pay is equal to or greater than 120% of the minimum rate of basic pay for GS–15; the Director of the Office of Government Ethics and each agency’s primary designated agency ethics official; any civilian employee employed in the Executive Office of the President (other than a special Government employee) who holds a commission of appointment from the President; and nominees for positions requiring Senate confirmation. This system includes both former and current employees in these categories who have filed financial disclosure statements under the requirements of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, as amended, or who otherwise come under the requirements of the Ethics Act. This system also contains information that is necessary for administering all provisions of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 and the Ethics Reform Act of 1989 (Public Law No. 101–194), as amended, and Executive Order (E.O.) 12674 as modified on any current or former officer or employee of the executive branch.
All records are maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 and the Ethics Reform Act of 1989, as amended, and E.O. 12674 as modified. These requirements include the filing of financial status reports, reports concerning certain agreements between the covered individual and any prior private sector employer, ethics agreements, and the preservation of waivers issued to an officer or employee pursuant to section 208 of title 18 and certificates of divestiture issued pursuant to section 502 of the Ethics Reform Act. Such statements and related records are required to assure compliance with these acts and to preserve and promote the integrity of public officials and institutions. The requirements also include the possession or maintenance of information being researched or prepared for referral by ethics officials concerning employees or former employees of the Federal Government who are the subject of complaints of misconduct or alleged violations of ethics laws. These complaints may be referred to the Office of the Inspector General of the agency where the employee is or was employed or to the Department of Justice. -
September 9, 2019, 84 FR 47301
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Officers and employees in the executive branch whose position is classified at GS–15 or below of the General Schedule prescribed by 5 U.S.C. 5332, or the rate of basic pay for which is fixed, other than under the General Schedule, at a rate which is less than 120% of the minimum rate of basic pay for GS–15 of the General Schedule; officers or employees of the United States Postal Service or Postal Rate Commission whose basic rate of pay is less than 120% of the minimum rate of basic pay for GS–15 of the General Schedule; members of a uniformed service whose pay grade is less than O–7 under 37 U.S.C. § 201; and officers or employees in any other position determined by the Designated Agency Ethics Official to be of equal classification. In addition, all executive branch special Government employees as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 202(a) and 5 C.F.R. 2634.105(s) are required to file unless they are required to file public financial disclosure reports or their position has been excluded from filing. The system includes both current and former Federal employees in these categories.
These records are maintained to meet the requirements of or under Executive Order 12674 as modified, 5 C.F.R. part 2634, agency regulations thereunder, as well as section 107 of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, as amended, concerning the filing of confidential financial disclosure reports. Such reports are required to assure compliance with ethics laws and regulations, and to determine if an actual or apparent conflict of interest exists between the employment of individuals by the Federal Government and their outside employment and financial interests. -
May 25, 2023, 88 FR 33884
Categories of individuals covered by the system
This system of records contains records about executive branch employees who seek to create a legal expense fund, pursuant to 5 CFR part 2635, subpart J, for the purpose of accepting donations and disbursing payments for legal expenses for a matter arising in connection with the employee's past or current official position, the employee's prior position on a campaign, or the employee's prior position on a Presidential Transition Team. Information may be collected or remain in the system of records after the employee beneficiary has left employment with the executive branch. This system also contains records about members of the public who contribute payments for legal expenses (donors), members of the public who receive payments from a legal expense fund (payees), and members of the public who serve as a beneficiary's trustee or representative in establishing and maintaining a legal expense fund.
The purpose of the system is to collect, generate, maintain, and disclose the information necessary to administer the provisions of the OGE legal expense fund (LEF) regulation at 5 CFR part 2635, subpart J. This includes, but is not limited to, obtaining information relevant to a conflict-of-interest determination and disclosing information on the OGE website pursuant to the regulation. It contains information from executive branch employees establishing legal expense funds as well as information regarding legal expense fund trustees, donors, and payees. It also contains related information collected or generated by OGE or other agencies in the process of collecting, reviewing, tracking, maintaining, and disclosing legal expense fund records. The system of records also permits agencies and OGE to share legal expense fund information with each other as necessary to administer the provisions of the regulation and permits the posting of such information on OGE's website as required by the regulation. Although all beneficiaries must be current executive branch employees at the time the legal expense fund is created, information may be collected or remain in the system of records after the employee beneficiary has left employment with the executive branch.
Office of Personnel Management
December 11, 2012, 77 FR 79694; modifications published February 2, 2022, 87 FR 5874 and August 17, 2023, 88 FR 56058
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Current and former Federal employees as defined in 5 U.S.C. § 2105. (Volunteers, grantees, and contract employees on whom the agency maintains records may also be covered by this system).
The Official Personnel File (OPF), which may exist in various approved media, and other general personnel records files, is the official repository of the records, reports of personnel actions, and the documentation required in connection with these actions affected during an employee’s Federal service. The personnel action reports and other documents, some of which are filed in the OPF, give legal force and effect to personnel transactions and establish employee rights and benefits under pertinent laws and regulations governing Federal employment. These files and records are maintained by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and agencies in accordance with OPM regulations and instructions. They provide the basic source of factual data about a person’s Federal employment while in the service and after his or her separation. Records in this system have various uses by agency personnel offices, including screening qualifications of employees; determining status, eligibility, and employee’s rights and benefits under pertinent laws and regulations governing Federal employment; computing length of service; and other information needed to provide personnel services. These records may also be used to locate individuals for personnel research. -
June 19, 2006, 71 FR 35347; modification published February 2, 2022, 87 FR 5874
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Current and former Federal employees (including SES appointees).
These records are maintained to ensure that all appropriate records on an employee’s performance are retained and are available (1) To agency officials having a need for the information; (2) to employees; (3) to support actions based on the records; (4) for use by the OPM in connection with its personnel management evaluation role in the executive branch; and (5) to identify individuals for personnel research. -
June 19, 2006, 71 FR 35350; modification published February 2, 2022, 87 FR 5874
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Current or former Federal employees (including Senior Executive Service (SES) employees) against whom such an action has been proposed or taken in accordance with 5 C.F.R. parts 315 (subparts H and I), 432, 752, or 754 of the Office’s regulations.
These records result from the proposal, processing, and documentation of these actions taken either by the OPM or by agencies against employees in accordance with 5 C.F.R. parts 315 (subparts H and I), 432, 752, or 754 of the Office’s regulations. -
March 26, 2014, 79 FR 16834; modifications published December 1, 2021, 86 FR 68291 and February 2, 2022, 87 FR 5874
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Persons who have applied to the Office or agencies for Federal employment and current and former Federal employees submitting applications for other positions in the Federal service. Applicants for Federal employment believed or found to be unsuitable for employment on medical grounds.
The records are used in considering individuals who have applied for positions in the Federal service by making determinations of qualifications including medical qualifications, for positions applied for, and to rate and rank applicants applying for the same or similar positions. They are also used to refer candidates to Federal agencies for employment consideration, including appointment, transfer, reinstatement, reassignment, or promotion. Records derived from the Office-developed or agency-developed assessment center exercises may be used to determine training needs of participants. These records may also be used to locate individuals for personnel research.
All information about individuals in these records that meets the criteria stated in 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(5) is exempt from the requirements of 5 U.S.C. 552a(c)(3) and (d). These provisions of the Privacy Act relate to making accountings of disclosures available to the data subject and access to and amendment of records. These exemptions are claimed because this system contains investigative material compiled solely for determining the appropriateness of a request for approval of an objection to an eligible's qualification for employment in the Federal service. To the extent that the disclosure of such material would reveal the identity of a source who furnished information to the Government under an express promise that the identity of the source would be held in confidence, or prior to September 27, 1975, under an implied promise that the identity of the source would be held in confidence, the application of exemption (k)(5) will be required to honor promises of confidentiality should the data subject request access to the accounting of disclosures of the record, or access to or amendment of the record.
All information in these records that meets the criteria stated in 5 U.S.C. 552a(K)(6) is exempt from the requirements of 5 U.S.C. 552a(d), relating to access to an amendment of records by the subject. This exemption is claimed because portions of this system relate to testing or examining materials used solely to determine individual qualifications for appointment or promotion in the Federal service and access to or amendment of this information by the data subject would compromise the objectivity and fairness of the testing or examining process.
See 5 CFR § 297.501 - Exemptions. -
July 19, 2006, 61 FR 36919; modification published February 2, 2022, 87 FR 5874
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Current and former Federal employees, applicants for Federal employment, current and former State and local government employees, and applicants for State and local government employment, selected private sector employees, and applicants for sample comparison groups.
These records are collected, maintained, and used by the OPM or other Federal agencies for the construction, analysis, and validation of written tests and other assessment instruments used in personnel selection and appraisal, other assessment instruments used in personnel selection and appraisal, and for research on and evaluation of personnel/organizational management and staffing methods, including workforce effectiveness studies. Agencies and OPM may provide each other with data collected in support of these functions. Such research includes studies extending over a period of time (longitudinal studies). Private sector data are used in research only, to evaluate Federal study results against non-Federal comparison groups. Race and national origin data are used by OPM or other agencies to evaluate the role and effects of selection procedures in the total employee staffing process. Use of these race and national origin data is limited to such evaluation, oversight and research projects conducted by the employing agencies or the Office. The records may also be used by OPM or other Federal agencies to locate individuals for personnel research. Data are collected on a project-by-project basis under conditions assuring the confidentiality of the information. No personnel action or selection is made using these research records.
All information in these records that meets the criteria stated in 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(6) is exempt from the requirements of 5 U.S.C. 552a(d), relating to access to and amendment of the records by the data subject. This exemption is claimed because portions of this system relate to testing or examining materials used solely to determine individual qualifications for appointment or promotion in the Federal service. Access to or amendment of this information by the data subject would compromise the objectivity and fairness of the testing or examining process.
All information in these records that meets the criteria stated in 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(4) is exempt from the requirements of 5 U.S.C. 552a(d), relating to access to or amendment of the records by the data subject. This exemption is claimed because portions of this system relate to records required by statute to be maintained and used solely for statistical purposes. Access to or amendment of this information by the data subject would compromise the confidentiality of these records and their usefulness for statistical research purposes.
See 5 CFR § 297.501 - Exemptions. -
June 19, 2006, 71 FR 35351; modification published February 2, 2022, 87 FR 5874
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Current and former Federal employees and individuals who have applied for Federal employment, including:- Applicants for examinations administered either by OPM or by employing agencies.
- Applicants on registers or in inventories by OPM and subject to its regulations.
- Applicants for positions in agencies having direct hiring authority and using their own examining procedures in compliance with OPM regulations.
- Applicants whose records are retained in an agency’s Equal Opportunity Recruitment file (including any file an agency maintains on current employees from under-represented groups).
- Applicants (including current and former Federal employees) who apply for vacancies announced under an agency’s merit promotion plan.
These records are used by OPM and agencies to:- Evaluate personnel/organizational measurement and selection methods.
- Implement and evaluate agency affirmative employment programs.
- Implement and evaluate agency Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment programs (including establishment of minority recruitment files).
- Enable OPM to meet its responsibility to assess an agency’s implementation of the Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program.
- Determine adverse impact in the selection process as required by the Uniform Guidelines cited in the Authority section above. (See also ‘‘Questions and Answers,’’ on those Guidelines published at 44 FR 11996, March 2, 1979).
- Enable reports to be prepared regarding breakdowns by race, sex, and national origin of applicants (by exams taken, and on the selection of such applicants for employment).
- To locate individuals for personnel research.
October 1, 2013, 78 FR 60331; modification published February 2, 2022, 87 FR 5874
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Current and former Federal employees who have filed a position classification appeal or a job grading appeal with a U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Center for Merit System Accountability or with their agency.
Current and former Federal employees who have filed a retained grade or pay appeal with a U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Center for Merit System Accountability.
Current and former Federal employees who have filed a claim or complaints under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) with a U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Center for Merit System Accountability.
These records are primarily used to document the processing and adjudication of a position classification appeal, job grading appeal, retained grade or pay appeal, or FLSA claim or complaint. Internally, OPM may use these records to locate individuals for personnel research. -
June 21, 2010, 75 FR 35099; modification published February 2, 2022, 87 FR 5874
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Current and former Federal civilian employees as defined in 5 U.S.C. § 2105.
Records in this system of records are maintained for a variety of purposes, which include the following:- To provide data necessary for proper medical evaluations and diagnoses, to ensure that proper treatment is administered, and to maintain continuity of medical care.
- To provide an accurate medical history of the total health care and medical treatment received by the individual as well as job and/or hazard exposure documentation and health monitoring in relation to health status and claims of the individual.
- To enable the planning for further care of the patient.
- To provide a record of communications among members of the health care team who contribute to the patient’s care.
- To provide a legal document describing the health care administered and any exposure incident.
- To provide a method for evaluating quality of health care rendered and jobhealth-protection including engineering protection provided, protective equipment worn, workplace monitoring, and medical exam monitoring required by OSHA or by good practice.
- To ensure that all relevant, necessary, accurate, and timely data are available to support any medically related employment decisions affecting the subject of the records (e.g., in connection with fitness-for-duty and disability retirement decisions).
- To document claims filed with and the decisions reached by the OWCP and the individual’s possible reemployment rights under statutes governing that program.
- To document employee’s reporting of on-the-job injuries or unhealthy or unsafe working conditions, including the reporting of such conditions to OSHA and actions taken by that agency or by the employing agency.
- To ensure proper and accurate operation of the agency’s employee drug testing program under Executive Order 12564.
- To facilitate communication among members of an on-site health and wellness program and to the individual employee participating in the program.
- To enable evaluation of the effectiveness of on-site health and wellness programs.
September 14, 2023, 88R 63134
Categories of individuals covered by the system
Individuals covered by this system of records are:- Applicants for Federal civil service positions, other than positions excepted under 5 CFR 920.201(b), in a covered agency defined in 5 U.S.C. 10; and
- Agency employees who violate or have been alleged to have violated the Fair Chance Act.
Purpose(s) of the system
The purpose of this system of records is to permit OPM and other Federal agencies to collect and maintain records to administer the provisions of the Fair Chance Act (FCA) regarding complaints, or any other information, for alleged violations of the FCA. This includes conducting all activities related to complaints, or any other information, receipt, investigation, adjudication, and, where applicable, appeal of the final decision.
Office of Special Council
April 23, 2012, 77 FR 24242
Categories of individuals covered by the system
The principal categories of individuals covered by the system are persons filing allegations of prohibited personnel practices or other prohibited activities; persons identified as engaging or participating in improper political activity; persons filing disclosures of alleged wrongdoing by federal agencies; persons requesting advisory opinions on political activity, or third party subjects of such advisory opinions; persons charged by the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) in disciplinary action complaints filed by OSC with the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB); persons on whose behalf OSC seeks corrective action before the MSPB; persons filing allegations of wrongdoing in Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) matters referred or transferred to OSC; plaintiffs seeking remedies or discovery against OSC in litigation or administrative claims; and persons filing requests for information or administrative appeals under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or the Privacy Act.
Records are maintained to: (1) Document how each matter at OSC was handled; (2) provide a resource for consistency in interpretation and application of the law; and (3) allow for statistical reports and analysis of matters processed at OSC.